About this courseDo You…..
1. Give speeches or presentations professionally
2. Hold a leadership position within your company, or within a professional association?
3. Teach or instruct others?
4. Market and Sell your ideas, products or services?
If Your Answer is (YES)
Then Your Ready To Enroll In My Course Called:
"Win The Crowd" - How To Craft a Winning Presentation.
Whether your purpose is to motivate, persuade build a relationship, or educate, whether you are speaking to a stadium crowd or to members of your project team, the secret to putting together a great presentation lies in how the presentation is the structured. In This course you will learn step-by-step how to craft a great presentation every time, No matter the situation.
There are (2) sections to this Online Course
Section (1): You will learn the Win The Crowd presentation elements/process for structuring a great personation.
Section (2): You will learn the individual structure & reason behind each presentation slide and how each slide builds on the next to creates a powerful presentation that will captivate, connect and influence your audience
Who Will Benefit From This Online Course?
If you have to get up and convince people to do something- buy a product, support your project, donate to your charity, vote for a candidate, invest in your business – then this training is for you.
If you are running for office, convincing personnel to invest in saving bonds, break bad news to employees, encouraging your congressmen to support an idea, appealing to a company to move to town, accept an award or honor, telling an audience how to do anything- then this training is for you.
If you are a boss, business owner, CEO or department manager, if you are an entry-level employee aspiring to move ahead in the corporate world; if you are a public relation professional, committee chairperson, an officer in a community volunteer organization; if you are a teacher, a camp counselor, a scout leader then this training is for you.
In Fact, if you find yourself in any situation in which you must speak before a crowd larger than one – and almost all of us do- then this course is for you.
In short, if you want to be the best you can be at public speaking, at selling yourself and your ideas, this course will provide it.
This course includes:
schedule1.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Sep 10, 2021
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024