Various electrical and telecom utilities, and other municipalities have a multi-billion dollar investment in wooden structures within their infrastructures. Wood is a readily available, inexpensive natural resource that is both a versatile and useful construction material. The usefulness of wood is increased when it is protected against deteriorating agents by pressure treatment with preservatives. This course provides information which will help insure that personnel are able to specify and receive preservative treated wood products most suitable for a particular end use. Specifically this course covers wood as a construction material, wood deterioration, preservation of new wood products, quality control or how to specify and inspect treated wood products, as well as inspection and maintenance of treated wood products and remedial control.
Topics: • Pesticide and wood decay treatment applications • inspections and maintenance procedures • Remedial treatments • Pole top protection • Pole strength restoration • Pressure preservative treatments • Pole performance, in-service evaluation • Quality assurance and product certification • Procurement review procedures • care, storage, and handling of treated wood products.
Intended Audience: This course is intended for Electrical, Civil, Structural, Construction, and other engineers whose job description may require a general knowledge of structural wooden pole inspections, maintenance, and procurement procedures.
Publication Source: US Navy (NAVFAC)