About this courseFiber optic data links operate reliably if fiber optic component manufacturers and end users perform the necessary laboratory and field measurements. Manufacturers must test how component designs, material properties, and fabrication techniques affect the performance of fiber optic components. These tests can be categorized as design tests or quality control tests.
Design tests are conducted during the development of a component. Design tests characterize the component's performance (optical, mechanical, and environmental) in the intended application. Once the component performance is characterized, the manufacturer generally only conducts quality control tests. Quality control tests verify that the parts produced are the same as the parts the design tests were conducted on. When manufacturers ship fiber optic components, they provide quality control data detailing the results of measurements performed during or after component fabrication.
Fiber optic manufacturing laboratory and field measurement procedures
Optical fiber and optical connection laboratory measurements
Evaluation of fiber optic components and system performance
Near-field and far-field optical power distribution of an optical fiber
Optical fiber launch conditions and modal effects that affect measurements
Optical time-domain reflectometry
Interpretation of an optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) trace
Procedures for locating a fiber fault using an OTDR
Intended Audience: This course is intended primarily for Telecom, Systems, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, and other engineers whose job description requires a comprehensive knowledge of fiber optics infrastructure.
Publication Source: US Navy (NAVEDTRA) Pub# 14196A, Module 24 - Fiber Optics, Chapter 5, June 2014
This course includes:
schedule4 hours on-demand content
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Apr 28, 2022
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At May 3, 2022