Fiber optics, which uses light to transmit digital data, is the branch of optical technology concerned with the transmission of radiant power (light energy) through fibers. In comparison to copper wire data transmission infrastructure, the technology of fiber optics offers greater data rates over longer distances at costs far lower than copper wire systems. This course is the first of 7 courses offered in a comprehensive series, (by the US Navy's NAVEDTRA) which provides the basics concepts and the background of fiber optics technology.
Topics: Basics of fiber optics Components of a fiber optic data link Functions of the fiber optic data link components The history and advances in fiber optic technology Fiber properties and component selection when designing fiber optic systems Advantages/Disadvantages of F.O. systems compared to electric communications systems The nature of light propagation, and the electromagnetic theory of light Properties of light reflection, refraction, diffusion, and absorption How optical fibers transmit light Basic optical fiber material properties The ray and mode theories of light propagation in an optical fiber Difference between multimode and single-mode optical fibers How optical fibers attenuate and distort light signals in an optical fiber The processes of light attenuation and dispersion.
Intended Audience: This course is intended primarily for Telecom, Systems, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, and other engineers whose job description requires a comprehensive knowledge of fiber optics infrastructure.
Publication Source: US Navy (NAVEDTRA) Pub# 14196A, Module 24 - Fiber Optics, Chapters 1 and 2, June 2014