About this courseA raised floor system also called a raised wood floor, raised wood platform floor, raised floor foundation, and crawlspace construction--is an assembly of beams, girders, joists and sheathing panels comprised of various engineered wood framing products, all properly sized and connected together. A raised floor system is designed to elevate the living space off the ground, isolating it from moisture and pests. This course presents design and construction methods for raised floor systems. The course is based on a design and construction guide published by the Southern Pine Council. Information is presented on all aspects of design including framing, foundations, moisture control, loads, and allowable spans.
Wood Framing Products
Preservative-Treated Wood Products
Moisture Control
Pest Management
Termite-Resistant Framing
Fire Performance
Decks and Porches
Soils and Site Preparation
Design Loads
Footings and Foundations
Floor Framing and Connections
Publication Source: Southern Pine Council
This course includes:
schedule4 hours on-demand content
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Apr 28, 2022
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At May 3, 2022