This course covers the basic principles for lightning protection for various types of buildings or other structures. A structure or device which is used for lightning protection purposes is defined as a mast, tower, or similar self-supporting object other than power lines, power stations, and substations that safely diverts the electrical charge from a direct lightning strike, away from buildings and other structures.
To provide minimum protection for structures against direct lightning strikes, four requirements must be fulfilled: a. an air terminal must be provided to intentionally attract the leader stroke, b. a path must be established that connects this terminal to earth with such a low impedance that the discharge follows it in preference to any other, c. a low resistance connection must be made with the earth electrode subsystem, and d. a low impedance interface must be established between the earth electrode subsystem and earth.
Topics: Principles of protection Locating and sizing of air terminals Materials for grounding conductors and terminals Types of grounding conductors Roof, ridge, down, conductors Mounting hardware and fasteners Waveguide and cabling installation and grounding Lightning-generated transient surge protection Transient source and equipment damage Minimizing damages; susceptible components Frequency of transient occurrence and transient amplitudes Transient waveforms Use of overhead guard wires Protection of UG cabling Secondary AC surge arresters Turn-on characteristics of surge arresters Clamp or discharge voltage; reverse standoff voltage Gas-filled spark gap and solid-state type arresters Transient suppression and types of suppressors Intended Audience: This course is intended for Electrical, Systems, Civil, Construction, Industrial, and other engineering professionals whose job description may require a general knowledge of lightning protection for structures. Publication Source: US Corp of Engineers (Unified Facilities Criteria), Military Handbook – Grounding, Bonding, and Shielding for Electronic Equip. and Facilities; Lightning Protection for Structures”Pub. # MIL-HDBK-419A