About this courseFind a way to keep the listeners in the audience as stimulated and engaged as you are as a presenter.
In his book Brain Rules, John Medina cites research that suggests after about ten minutes of listening to a particular topic, people’s minds wander.
No presentation can be a success if you can’t get and keep your audience’s attention, but you may have searched in vain for a method.
Here are three keys to the solution that we cover in this course:
Module 1: Ask the Right Questions
One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged is to ask the right types of questions.
To understand why you first have to understand something about the human brain.
It is made up of two parts that operate independently...
...each controls a different mode of thinking.
Excellent communicators know how to ask questions that work both sides of the brain...
...this spurs the neurons to fire constantly, which keeps people attentive.
When a speaker is boring, the only neurons in the room that are firing are the speaker’s.
We'll show you how to use questioning techniques to stimulate both sides.
Module 2: Address Every Learning Style
If your audience is learning, you have their attention.
Seems simple enough...
The problem is that to present your content so you get the attention of everyone in the audience, you have to make sure you address each of the four learning styles.
Step Learners
Talk Learners
Research Learners
Create Learners
We'll show you how to do that with a technique that not only targets all four styles but can be used at ANY POINT in your next presentation to get RAPT ATTENTION...
...it's VERY cool!
Module 3: Give Targeted Directionals
Yet another way to keep the attention of your audience is with a targeted directional...
...this is a short and sweet method that pays big dividends.
Whenever you want to get your audience’s attention, request that they do one of the following, depending, of course, on what items...
...handouts, monitors, slides, and so on—you are working with.
The actual words you use are somewhat important...
The tone of voice you use is a make or break.
You want to sound confident, but not overbearing, so they’ll take action.
This course includes:
schedule1.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Dec 24, 2020
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024