This course provides an in-depth exploration of shallow foundation design and analysis, focusing on the principles of ground-bearing capacity and settlement considerations. Participants will learn about the theoretical and practical aspects of bearing capacity analysis, foundation settlement, and the effects of various factors such as footing shape, load inclination, and groundwater table on foundation design. The course is designed for civil engineering professionals and students seeking to enhance their understanding of geotechnical engineering principles related to shallow foundations.
Topics discussed:
- Basics of Shallow Foundations: Definitions and Design Requirements
- Bearing Capacity Analysis: Terzaghi's and Vesic's Formulas
- Factors Affecting Bearing Capacity: Footing Shape, Load Inclination, and Ground Inclination
- Influence of Groundwater Table on Bearing Capacity
- Bearing Capacity under Undrained and Drained Conditions
- Foundation Settlement: Elastic, Consolidation, and Displacement Analysis
- Estimation of Elastic Modulus and Settlement in Granular Materials
schedule1 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Feb 10, 2024
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Nov 12, 2024