Every year, many birds are killed through collision with power lines or through electrocution. Electric utilities have a strong incentive to reduce these deaths because 1) power outages may result, and 2) the utility risk prosecution under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or the Endangered Species act. Both civil and criminal penalties may be levied. This course describes principles that individual utilities may use to formulate an Avian Protection Plan (APP). A utility that creates an APP following these guidelines and that addresses their specific avian issues can benefit through regulatory compliance, reliability improvements, cost savings and positive recognition from regulators and customers.
Topics: Permit compliance Construction design standards Nest management Mortality reduction measures Avian reporting system Avian enhancement options Quality control Corporate policy examples Examples of forms for reporting bird mortality and nests Standards for conductor separation Perches, guards, and insulator covers.
Intended Audience: for electrical and civil engineers concerned with the design and maintenance of electric power lines.
Publication Source: US Dept. of Interior (Fish and Wildlife Service)